On Nov. 19, Ranieri Robert and Sharon Ranieri Family Trust (trustees) sold their four bedroom, three bathroom home at 1161 Bay View Ave., Los Angeles to Cameron Robles Catherine Turner for $925,000.
PUC Triumph Charter Academy and PUC Triumph Charter High School's dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year decreased by 5.3% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 3.8%.
On Nov. 18, Ivon J Maldonado sold their three bedroom, three bathroom home at 1933 Glenoaks Blvd. 124, San Fernando to Lee R Dingcong Katrina Hughes for $517,000.
Discovery Charter Preparatory School #2's dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year decreased by 68.3% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 10.4%.
Cesar E. Chavez Learning Academies-Academy of Scientific Exploration (ASE)'s dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year decreased by 58.6% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 7%.
Cesar E. Chavez Learning Academies-Social Justice Humanitas Academy's dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year increased by 7.4% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 2.7%.
Cesar E. Chavez Learning Academies - Arts/Theatre/Entertain Mag's dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year decreased by 69.1% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 8.1%.
PUC Lakeview Charter High School's dropout rate in the 2019-20 school year increased by 25% compared to the previous school year’s dropout rate of 1.6%.
On Nov. 12, Yesenia and Andres T De La Torre sold their home at 944 W. 80th St., Los Angeles to Christian Earvin Rodjalynn N. Featherstone for $870,000.
On Nov. 12, Chester E. Chester E. Gall Gall (trust) sold their two bedroom, two bathroom home at 4740 La Villa Marina F, Los Angeles to Trevor Forrest for $1,000,010.
The four bedroom, one bathroom home at 2752 Malcolm Ave., Los Angeles was sold on Nov. 12 by Jantje Investment LLC for $1,790,010. The buyer was Mearl Group LLC.